


Friday, June 14, 2013

Is France not safety for Chinese traveller?

Is France not safety for Chinese traveller? 

Chinese tourists say they are victims of assaults and robberies in Paris. A phenomenon that is growing lately and which seized the Chinese government. The Association of Chinese tourism has formally requested France to act. Advertising The Phytothérapie

Partner Find the folder Fifth It was too much aggression. Wednesday, March 20, a group of Chinese tourists was violently attacked at the exit of the Paris restaurant in Seine-Saint-Denis. Roissy arrived a few hours earlier, those 23 people came to express a twelve-day trip to Europe, began in Paris. Presumably identified, they got hit and the group leader was relieved of his bag. Swag three thieves passport and a large sum of money in cash. The incident, immediately supported by the Chinese Embassy in Paris, soon found himself on the web before making the headlines in the Chinese press.

 Insecurity in Paris !

As insecurity of Chinese tourists is a scourge to the point that the Chinese Tourism Association has formally asked the French authorities to ensure "effective protection" of Chinese visiting France. "For about six months, there is a growing number of attacks, says Tang Lu, departmental director for China at the China Tourism Agency. Of course, there have always been on sightseeing flights. What is new is that now the flights are accompanied by physical violence. " According to Ms. Tang, pickpockets are more prevalent in tourist areas: "The attacks take place everywhere in the hotel or restaurant. One day, a Chinese tourist who was staying in a hotel of Defense, took his bag to go for breakfast. By the time he gets up to use and come back, the bag had disappeared. "But" attacks usually target the groups. Buses or minibuses, which attract attention, are often targeted by thieves who spot. " Inadequate precautions I must say that the Chinese are known to be tourists who have are important liquid on them ".

Return a media image of Chinese who buy a lot, always in luxury stores" These are tourists apart: they generally provide a tight budget accommodation, which leads them to stay in hotels on the outskirts of Paris. "Television tells us not to go to France, because it is dangerous" However, precautions are taken in both countries. In China, the media strongly advise against travel to France:

 Television tells us not to go to France, because it is dangerous

"Television tells us not to go to France, because it is dangerous. We are careful, because if the television talking about is that this is serious enough to be serious, "said the Chinese saleswoman shop duty free, boulevard Haussmann in Paris. "There are often snatching outside the store. Tourists come, riding a bike on the sidewalk and the driver pulls the bags of tourists, "she says, almost bored by these attacks. On the side of France, travel agencies also prefer to be safe than sorry, "Each of our groups is the responsibility of an attendant. The first thing he does is to warn of danger and give them advice. But it may not be enough, "says Tang Lu Wednesday, March 26, the Minister of Crafts, Trade and Tourism, Sylvia Pinel, enjoyed the show "Rendez-vous en France" to reaffirm "the determination of the French government to ensure the safety of foreign tourists in France." She is also back on the incident Bourge, ensuring that "everything will be done to find the perpetrators" before announcing it would address "this important topic" what the safety of tourists with Manuel Valls. Keep tourists Most of these Chinese tourists refuse to complain if the flight does not include large items such as passports, source

"In general, the Chinese remain in France for only 2 or 3 days. So, if they have not stolen important documents, they will not complain because they see it as a waste of time. They know that the stolen money does not return. And then there is the language barrier. " These insecurities, known in China, may well end up harming the French capital, his aura to the Chinese people could not save forever: "Tourists know it and there are fewer Chinese for some time . This is probably because of the insecurity, 'says the Chinese vendor. Approved a finding Tang Lu: "It is not good for tourism. Paris is still dreaming but the Chinese know that the attacks are frequent. ". Chinese tourists spend an average of 1,470 euros each sign

This is also funny information 

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